Spinoza is my favorite one ︎ (Ancient Greek & Presocratic Philosophers are deep in my heart too ︎... )
Auteure/Author of a Philosophy Collection, Lemaître Publishing, Brussels, Belgium2013
Auteure de/Author of :
- Kierkegaard,
volume IX (Philosophie de l’Existence) part of the “Philosophies” Collection,
Ed. France Loisirs, Paris, France2002
volume V (Philosophie moderne) part of the “Philosophies” Collection, Ed.
France Loisirs, Paris, France2002 - (co-writed with Marion Doussot) of Pascal, volume V (Philosophie
moderne) part of the “Philosophies” Collection, Ed. France Loisirs,
Paris, France2002 - Avant-Propos/Foreword to
the book Philosophie Moderne, part of the “Philosophies” Collection, Ed.
France Loisirs, Paris,
Auteure de /Author of La photographie commme Khôra
in « Qu’avez-vous fait de la photographie? », éditions Actes Sud, France.
Jury at Paris College of Art (ex Parsons School for Art & Design)
, Paris, France2012
Public commission as free-lance, Musée Arlaten, Arles,
2010 -2019
Séminaire critique, International of Photography School, New York, USA2004